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The Wayne Effect

My links(and yours, too).

Friend's Webpages
These pages are simply pages from people that I know or have met. Actual people, with actual pages.
Quinn's Corner is a great page for fans of Conan O'Brien, Dana Carvey, Greg Kinnear, Brian Unger, Craig Kilborn, and Bono. I'm sure there's more. She has great content but updates rarely. Still, great page and good people.Quinn's Corner
Incredibly Useful Sites
Let's get right down to it. You want what you want when you want it. But you just can't seem to get what you want, right? You get what you don't want, when you want something else, and when you want what you got before when you didn't want it, you can't get it! I mean, what's the deal with that?!? Here's a list of pages that gives you everything you want, when you want it and how you want it in the best possible way that you can want it in.
Sharky Extreme keeps close tabs on the world of computer hardware and the gaming community. They update their recommended computers monthly and provide reviews and a great online forum system.Sharky Extreme
Maximum PC is my staple PC magazine. They have that right-on balance of what I want to learn about from computers and software as well as news and reviews. When I settle down one day, this is what will pile up in my basement.Maximum PC
Ars Technica is like Sharky Extreme from what I can tell. Same schtick. They're relatively new to me, but they seem reliable.Ars Technica
Stroud's Consumate Winsock Apps. A good place to find any internet stuff, such as plug-ins, browsers and anything.Stroud's Consumate Winsock Applications
Go!Zilla is what I use when I download files of any type, size, or origin. It finds the best possible method of downloading and integrates 99% perfectly into your browser. I wouldn't trade it for the
The International Lyrics Server, we all know everyone has this link on their page, but it's a necessity nowadays. Now, it seems to be down, but we can still look up song titles.International Lyrics Server
The CNET Shopper Online is one of my favorite places to find deals on items that I want. It lets you compare prices of different resellers on a certain item.CNET has almost exactly the same principle as, but with more variety of products. I use them both, and it's difficult to call a better comparison site.mySimon
Search Engines
"Wayne... what search engine do you use to find all of your incredibly useful information?? Tell me, which one?"
I've heard this question far too many times and it's time the public knew, which search engines are the best and better than the rest.
Google Hotbot AltaVista
Megago Lycos Mamma
Ask Jeeves RealNames

"Weird Al" is THE place for all Al info, latest news, pictures, and ...
You don't Know Al, the awesome game that YOU can't live without! And it's so fun. they always update it.You Don't Know Al
Amanda Cohen hosted ALCON 98, visit all of the links you see. You can get some good pictures of people on the net and Al fans in the newsgroup.ALCON Homepage
The "Weird Al" FAQ, which we all request that you read, veeery carefully, before you hop into the ol' newsgroup. The Weid Al FAQ
Happy Steve's page, enititled "Yankovic!"Yankovic!
Elvis' UHF page. This also has the 27 list on it.We've Got It All On UHF
This is Adam Tyner's Al page. Also, check out his He-man page.Adam Tyner's Al Page
"Various Al" page, made by Lee. Another cool one.Be sure to download the NES Emulator so you can play the game.Various Al
Take your Java-enabled browser over to "Weird Al" Webovic, a neat game that consumes way to much of your time. One plus is, it's faster than You Don't Know Al.Weird Al Webovic
A nice story that makes me want to see a concert even more.Story about Al...
The Bad Hair Club (not for men, though).Bad Hair Club
You can get some cool Al icons here. Although, I too make some icons and cursors. :( I guess he's just too popular.Lockergnome's Al Page and Stuff
Some rare Al stuff, that maybe you haven't seen before.Rare Al
Marty Lick's Al-oholics Anonymous.Alaholics Anonymous

These are the newsgroups that I post in for the most part. Or I was dragged into(heh, heh). Check them out.

Former Embarrassments
As part of the causticism 12 step program I'm attending I have to admit my own faults. I bring to you the former embarrassments of the Wayne Effect. These links will be updated after a page on my site dies (a.k.a. - I discontinue support for the HTML, stop posting content, if it ceases to be profitable, popular, or it takes up too much room on the sidebar). Now, bathe in my stupidity. Note: not all pages will work.
The Carpathian Awards Old top frame
Practical Joke page WinAMP playlist
The ShoutCast RaUdio page Rock The Vote for Al
The TDS Ring submission page TDS Ring Page
The Test Page for Quinn The other old top frame w/drop down menu
Page one of the would have been Weird Al tour idea Page 3
Page 2 The old watch left frame
The WAY Zone A version of SNL Page that didn't work for no real reason
The slightly new, but now old index page The old All About Me Page...

Various places who decided to make their own banners for pages like mine
Sharky Extreme

Link To Me
I know what you're thinking, "Wayne, You're so kind to us, by doing all of this for us. How can *I* link to *YOU*??" Well, little one, your prayers have been answered... On an unrelated note, I just started a Banner Linker Page, so that you can link to me in all of my glory. There's so many banners to choose from, the page is a virtual work of art all by itself! Why don't you check it out and be happy?The Banner Linker Page

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