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RealMedia Files
Before we get started on all of these .rm files, let me show you RealPlayer. Go there to download it, first if you don't have it. I recommend Version 8. Also, to avoid further confusion, this is a download page. These files are not intended to be able to play from here, because I have to make another file to do that, and it's alot to do, so I'm saying you can download it here, or type in the URL, but clicking on it, does not necessarily mean that it will play.
An entire family guy episode! It can't get much cooler than that, I must say. It's a big file (about 25 megs) so download with caution. This particular episode is when Peter knocks out Quohog's Cable TV and blames his daughter Meg.FGNoTV.rm
Andy's little sister performing her song for Conan.stacey.rm
And I have a file with some cool Seinfeld music in the .rm format.seinthem.rm
I have a file that proves the "Weird Al" 27 I found. It is one of the least far-fetched 27's I've seen in a long time. And I found it! It is from the song "One of Those Days" from the Polka Party album. Al sings the phrase "One of those days" 27 times. I might have missed one in this file.onedays.rm
"I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up" bit from TDS, that shows what Edith Fore had to go through before actually getting help.lifecall.ra
I also, temporarily, have the above file in the wav format, although it is much larger (like 711k) than the RealAudio version.lifecall.wav
Puff Daddy is inspired by Al from SNL on October 17.puffy_al.rm
Groundskeeper Willy proclaims his innocence during interrogation of "Who Shot Mr. Burns?".grwlshot.ra
That cool new Jetta commercial with the syncs between the street and the music. I enjoy it.jetta.rm
If you're looking for some other RM files (say, SNL Files) then you should try my SNL Page

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