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The Wayne Effect
Seinfeld Files

Hey! I got 'em working!

Well, for the second time, now, I've gotten these files working again, and hopefully they'll keep this way. Recently, Angelfire upgraded their space allowed to 50 megs per account. Well, for that much space I guess I could live here for a little bit longer. That in mind I snagged a few more accounts and went to work uploading. Thanks for your concern and enjoy my page.

Updated Thursday, January 11, 2001

A rather LARGE scanned picture of Julia-Louis Dreyfus where there is a little controversy over whether or not "they're real" (sound familiar, Elaine??) because some people think they were airbrushed in (Sound familiar again, George??), which is my personal belief. We still love ya, Julia.Elainair.jpg
A cool picture of Elaine doing what's come to be known as "The Benes".ek.jpg
Jerry as a youngun'. jerinset.jpg
Jerry doing standup at some place called the Laugh Factory, I think.jerlaf.jpg
A nice close up of Jerry.jerryclose.jpg
The cover of Biography with Jerry.jerrycover.jpg
Jerry shown with his sister after her graduation.jerrygrad.jpg
Jerry surrounded by press.jerrypress.jpg
Jerry with his sister later on.jerrysis.jpg

I'll get some more for you, or you can tell me what you want.

You are the person to be wooed by the words Seinfeld and Files next to each other.

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Copyright 2001 Wayne Elgin