The Wayne Effect
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The Wayne Effect

Don't Like all of that annoying HD space? Just check back here continually for cool stuff to DL.

Updated Friday August 11, 2000

Hmm... haven't been here in a while? Neither have I! This is one of the only pages here that's been here since the beginning of the "Big Page Split" that occurred when index.html was charged with monopolic practices. After the anti-trust case the court ruled that the page should be split into 4 different pages and eventually that index.html would be used for redirection to index2.html. Until recently, index.html stayed that way, and the download page took a backseat to suck projects as the revamping of the webpage, additions of several other webpages, and more revamps. It's witnessed webpages come and go and come again. It's seen the visitors skip it's content because most of it's either unoriginal or on the SNL Page anyway. Well, no more. I'm taking the Download page back to a newfound glory. Starting with a cool logo at the top and swapping it with a refresh of files every once in a while. Eventually, the old unoriginal files will be moved out. But for now, I'm adding a mix of both.

A wav file of Garth(Dana Carvey)and Wayne (Mike Myers) from the Wayne's World Sketches. Basically, it says, "Party on Wayne. Party on Garth."party-on.wav
"And now Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey"(Moment of silence for Phil Hartman)deepthts.wav
The largely asked for George's Answering Machine WAV. "Believe it or not, George isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I'd pick up the phone, where could I beeee? Believe it or not, I'm not hoooome."george.wav
One of the many WAVs from the clip show before the finale. This is the one of all of those sounds the group makesclip2.wav
Phil Hartman as Ed McMahon, "You are correct, sir"youarcorc.wav
Matt Foley saying, "Well, lad dee frikkin' dah!"ladeeda.wav
Well, isn't that special?special.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 1herlihy1.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 2herlihy2.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 3herlihy3.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 4herlihy4.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 5herlihy5.wav
Herlihy boy, wav 6herlihy6.wav
Nelson from the Simpson's imitating Dr. Hibbert to break curfew.hibbert.wav
Mark Hamill at a sci-fi convention doing a demonstration for the crowd.hamill.wav
Groundskeeper Willy "That's not how ya vwing!"howyavwing.wav
Professor Frink and Groundskeeper Willy doing the whole vwing thingvwing.wav
Mark Hamill's bodyguards on the roof of a car... "Is there anything fluffier than a cloud?" "If there is I don't want to know about it."cloud.wav
Homer saying, "I said Woo-hoo..."isaidwoohoo.wav
A clip from Wayne's World 2 with Garth and Wayne ordering from Makita's drive-thru. You know the one... "Yes I'd like a doubl --- rger..."prankthru.wav
Madonna asking Wayne to play Truth or Dare (I just like Madonna saying "Wayne")truthordare.wav

RealMedia Files
If you're looking for the old RealMedia files, then look no further. I'm not sure why I kept 3 pages of RM files going, but it stops now. From here on out, it's the chronic 2, starting today. Zat means, when you want general RealMedia files, go to the RealMedia Page. If you want SNL RealMedia files, go to AreaSNL. This way, I maintains only a select few pages with a select few files.

I, the pagemaster, have dabbled in the animated cursor art. If you would like to see some of my work, plus some other people's, then you can click HERE. I hope you realize that by clicking there you are downloading a zip file. Thought I would warn you. A list of my files for the cursor file: Altbig, aolpoint, bigdiag, bigdiag2, bigger, inter, bluebar, blupoint, cat(I wonder what this is), comcen, comcen2, glasbrek, lilman, moveit, pointy, rehor, smile, unavail, write, colorlight, altv, bludswrd, dog, tvguide(this is an icon file, not a cursor), globe, tailsbus, blood, alswork(which is a cool cursor I made that has the cover of every abum Al made with the exception of Peter and the Wolf), TDS, and TDS2(which are those Daily Show cursors I promised you. They are all awesome! I have the other one made, which kind of mixes both of the other cursors. I have yet to publish that, because of it's rarity). It has a Dana Carvey cursor. I want to explain a little about the comcen and comcen2 cursors. You see, it has come to my attention that Comedy Central is the best channel cable has ever provided(I'm not excluding the DSS owners). So I thought, hey why not make a few cursors about it. The children of my thinking is expressed here. I started to make some more, but my comp crashed, so I figured, "This can't be right," and I stopped. But my Daily Show cursor are soon to come, as soon as they have passed the proper channels. Anyway, all of the other weird-named files are just irregular cursors that noone remakes that often, so I thought that I would break the mold, with the first(as far as I know) animated... umm... other stuff cursors. I also added any more NOT listed here. Like some twinkie weiner cursors, and other stuff. Lots of other stuff. Like a "Where in the Building is Andy Richter" cursor. Enjoy.
Screen Saver
There is also the matter of a screen saver that I made. I really like this SS, because it's like a marquee, only alot longer. It contains a bunch of Deep Thoughts...By Jack Handey. If you like something new everytime you return to your computer, then download this here. And after you unzip it to your windows directory, open the file readme1.txt. It will explain what to do about it and how to install it and everything. Just get it!

You are the surfer that can't
stand all of their hard disk space.

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