The Wayne Effect
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The Wayne Effect
All About Me

Well, it's finally here, huh? All of you who have been ferociously clicking this link have found your haven. Disappointed? I thought so. Well, too bad, because here's what I've got goin' on.

I am an 18 year old high-school graduate who is going to college now, and I should warn you, don't hold your breath for updates. I won't get back to do anything until at least December of 1999. But, I should be able to handle all of your requests by then. I am currently employed at the Naval Research Laboratory and make enough money to keep myself going back to work every once in a while. I intend on being a computer hardware engineer or something of that nature. I'm really getting into website development. I dunno what's going to happen. I guess I should give you some stats to start us off here, huh?


Stuff that I can't help
Full Name:Wayne Thomas Elgin
Birthdate:June 29, 1981
Colors:Brown hair, caucasian skin, brown eyes, and red blood!
Weight:My scale at home says 160 lbs., but the doctor's scale says 170 lbs. You figure it out.
Sizes:Pants: 32 W - 34 - L, Shirt: 17 ½ X 35 (buy me a nice one, huh?)

A Few of my Favorite Things
Girls:Thin, and preferable blonde or light brown. But, who am I trying to pick up on MY WEB PAGE, anyway?
TV Shows:SNL, Simpsons, Seinfeld, and more recently, Family Guy
Hobbies:Working on my web page, fooling around with my computer, talking to those of the opposing gender, playing guitar, football, bicycling, and basketball. Typical stuff.
Music:Comedy, pop, rap, gospel, and sometimes rock.
Hair:Sort of covered this before, but I like hair. Soft, semi-long (above the shoulder blades, but below neck), and blonde or light brown. (But bad experiences with dirty blondes)
