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The Wayne Effect
Hello, welcome to the TDS web ring home page! Yay! Obviously, you found us through something, and I am not going to ask what, but the important thing is, you are here. You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you... ever... believe me. If you have shown this small, slight amount of interest in this webring, you must either want to join or thought you might want to see the homepage. Well, this is it.

"Allow myself to introduce... myself"
"I am Richie Cunningham, and this is my wife... Oprah." No, that had to be done, and you know it, too. Really, I am just Wayne Elgin, a regular Joe who likes TDS and thought about a webring for it's pages. Quinn is obviously way to busy to make a webring on her own, but she does have a part (albeit a small part so far) in making this webring. So, all I am going to do is just make the ring, and presume you will join it.

What we do
Glad you asked, as opposed to making a declaration, you could have asked you know. This is one of the few pages of my web pages that is seperate from all the other ones. If it wasn't, there would be a frame going down the side over on the left there. So, that should tell you, that I am not doing this for hits on my web page, but for all of the TDS fans out there (you are not alone). This webring, through the use of some pretty nifty code, will link together all willing TDS web pages in a tight little group.

What if I'm not good enough to be in the webring?
Well, that would be a big problem, but to save us some agony, how about a little book of standards to see if your site measures up?

What your site should have.What to do if it doesn't have it.
Well, I'm looking for something generally dealing with the Daily show, here. Can we not agree on this? A web page, that has something to do with TDS, giving some sort of useful information, and updated on a semi-regular basis, that way, we can avoid dead links, old material, and stuff like that. Well, if your site doesn't have anything listed to the right there, I recommend not joining this webring, or making a page that has this required material on it, then checking back with us. Duh!
We also would like some kind of information that can't be found on any other pages. Try and avoid using material that's been done. In fact, that's a good rule to live by for any web page. You ought to check out what others have done before you attempt to repeat it. Notice I don't have a Dana Carvey page. Quinn already did one, and how could I beat her out? So I figure, if I run across anything that should be on a web page, I'll just send it to her. Same thing applies here. Not that you shouldn't make a TDS web page or anything, but I'm just trying to tell you a few of my beliefs on webpage creation. Your webpage should be YOUR WEBPAGE, not a collage of other webpage's material (this does not mean that I follow these rules, but look at my webpage, do you really want this for you, too?). Well, if you can't think of something original to put up on a page, then, again, I don't recommend sending us your page information. You need to rework your page until you think that you have enough original material to call it your web page. This isn't to say we won't consider webpages that have basically stolen stuff on them. But by preference...
We want real pages with some depth, and not just a list of links. The webring can do that by itself. It's like a list of links linking to more lists of links. It becomes so monotonous and redundant and similiar, too. If you can't believe I just said that, listen up. We like web pages with some meat. Something that you can bite into, not just a list of links. You need to write SOMETHING about TDS and then submit it, please. There's nothing wrong with links, but like I said, they aren't all that interesting. But you can tell the author of the pages on your link list about the webring, if you want.

So basically, those are a few requirements for the webring. Use them well.

How can I join??
Boy, you're just full of good questions today, aren't you? "How can you join"... Well, gee, you can either e-mail me and I will do most of the work for you, but *YOU* have a big part in how you're page is listed on the webring. I can't make up information for your web page. So, either way, you'll have to give up some information. If you don't feel comfortable about e-mailing strangers, you could always e-mail Quinn who is a familiar name to most, and she could give your site to me to put down, or she could do it herself, but she seems so busy... Then, there's always the last way, you could just submit the page yourself and quietly slip into the TDS webring on your own. However you do it, it's all good.

Well, that brings us to the end of this webring stuff. Remember, any questions? e-mail me and I'll try the best I know how to accomodate your all-enthralling questions.

You are the TDS fan who thinks it's Thursday and just wants to dance, dance, dance.