So glad that you could make it to this page #2 of the tour. this is Al's second album, In 3D. this came out in 1984, according to my sources. Al won a Grammy for Best Comedy Record, and the American Video award for best Male Performance. And after the second videom "I lost on Jeoapardy", the new TV show Jeppardy with Alex Trebek premieres. This album went platinum and it was the one that(in my mind) put Al on "the map," because of "Eat it." Al himself acknowledges about how he was called the Eat It guy for some period in his life. He probably still is. This also has a backwards message in "Nature Trail to Hell." That message would be, "Satan eats Cheez-wiz." I have a .wav of it, if you want to hear it.

The songs on this album are: Eat It • Midnight Star • The Brady Bunch • Buy Me A Condo • I Lost On Jeopardy • Polkas on 45 • Mr. Popeil • King Of Suede • That Boy Could Dance • Theme From Rocky XIII • Nature Trail To Hell.

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