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The Wayne Effect
Updated Friday August 4, 2000

 Hello, again. This is Wayne from the Wayne Effect. I know that nobody reads this page, but strangely it's the one I put the most work on. I'm trying to work on those disappearing files that have been gone for the past um... couple of months. I seem to have found a good free server for my over 50 megs of files called I pray they will stay up long enough for me to keep my content there for at least a year or so. It seems I can never quite keep a server. So, enjoy the SNL files while you can.

Stay cool,

Well, let's see what's new, or slightly new...
 * Corrected the mispelling of "strangley" above
 * Added new links on the
Links Page
 * Uploaded all of my SNL RealMedia files to another server so now, they work, hopefully.
 * Wrote a parody called "Forget About Dre" regarding the Napster issue
 * Updated the look with this "Ice Cold" theme
 * Change the name of The World's Most
Semi-Useful SNL Page to the shorter AreaSNL

Quick Links...
The Seinfeld Files!
The Newest SNL RealMedia Files uploaded.
The Newest SNL WAV Files uploaded.
The New Top SitCom Cliches Page
The RealMedia files Page
My Download Page
Alice in Wonderland
The Banner Linker Page

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Copyright 2000 WAYne Elgin